A common theme in education is to focus on teaching content and academic growth. This growth is often measured by standardized testing and mandated district testing. This approach leads to overlooking the root causes of academic difficulties in addition to overlooking humanity of students.
The layout of the graphic emphasizes that individuals must have basic needs met in order to meet their psychological needs, and their psychological needs met to address their self fulfillment needs.
When applying Maslow's work to an educational context, an individual's ability to learn and grow academically takes place in the self-fulfillment level of needs. Success at this level depends on basic and psychological needs being met. As a result, our philosophy is to take measures to help clients learn strategies to help them meet their basic and psychological needs (Trust & Wellness) as our first priority. With this approach, our clients are better able to demonstrate growth on academically focused activities . Check out our testimonial page for specific client stories and feedback!
The graphic to the left represents the hierarchy of human needs developed by Abraham Maslow, an American Psychologist in 1943. Needs of human beings are separated into three main categories: Basic, Psychological, and Self-Fulfillment needs.